Hearthstone Whenever This Minion Attacks and Kills a Minion It Can Attack Again

The lightning bolt icon, explicitly indicating a triggered effect

Triggered effect icon

Triggered effects are effects that activate in response to specific events. Triggered furnishings may belong to minions, weapons or spells (in the grade of Secrets), also every bit some dominate Hero Powers.

Triggered effects include named abilities such as Battlecry and Deathrattle, also as unnamed effects such as those of Cult Main , Sword of Justice and Ragnaros the Firelord . All Secrets are triggered furnishings. Many triggered effects must kickoff be put into play in club to become active - such every bit by playing the minion, equipping the weapon, or casting the Hush-hush - while others activate when the carte itself is drawn, discarded or put into play. Unlike types of triggered effect frequently share common rules for their activation.

Since the virtually mutual types of triggers are represented past keywords such every bit Battlecry, the term triggered upshot is sometimes used more specifically to refer to those non indicated past a keyword, but instead described explicitly in their card text. Such effects are usually - but not ever - denoted when in play by a small lightning bolt icon, a flask with venom (Poisonous), or a broken heart (Lifesteal) at the bottom of the bill of fare's portrait or icon, and tin unremarkably be activated any number of times, but but while in play. Any power that states "at the end of your turn" or "at the start of your turn" is a triggered issue, as are virtually that state "when" or "whenever".


  • i Notes
    • 1.ane Advanced
  • 2 Cards
    • 2.ane Using Hero Powers
    • two.two Card-playing
      • ii.two.1 Whatsoever card blazon
      • 2.ii.two Spell-casting
        • 2.two.two.i Whenever
        • 2.2.two.ii Afterwards
      • ii.2.3 Playing a minion from the hand
        • That minion
      • two.2.4 Secret-playing
    • ii.3 Minion summoning
      • 2.three.i Whenever you summon
      • two.3.two Later on you summon
    • 2.iv Attacking
      • 2.iv.1 Hero attacks
      • ii.4.2 Minion attacks
      • 2.iv.3 Any assault
    • ii.5 Graphic symbol damage
      • two.5.1 Taking minion damage
        • 2.v.1.1 This minion
        • Friendly minions
        • 2.5.1.three Some other minion
        • Any minion
      • 2.5.2 Taking hero impairment
      • ii.5.3 Dealing impairment
    • ii.six Healing
    • 2.7 Minion decease
      • ii.7.1 That minion
      • 2.vii.2 Another minion
    • 2.8 Cease of turn
      • 2.8.1 Finish of your turn
      • two.8.two End of each turn
      • 2.8.iii Terminate of the turn
      • ii.8.4 Related cards
    • two.9 Start of plough
      • two.9.i First of your plow
    • 2.10 Drawing a card
    • 2.11 Discarding a bill of fare
    • 2.12 Awakening
    • 2.13 Revealing a Secret
    • two.14 Equipping a weapon
    • ii.15 Gaining Armor
    • 2.16 Overloading Mana Crystals
    • 2.17 Shuffling into deck
    • 2.18 Miscellaneous
  • 3 Patch changes
  • 4 References

Notes [ ]

Chief commodity: Advanced rulebook

The interactions and timing of multiple triggered effects are some of the most complex rules in the game. This section is merely a summary:

  • When multiple triggered furnishings actuate at in one case, such every bit at the end of a actor'south plough, the effects volition actuate in the order in which the minions were summoned, with the minions summoned beginning activating their triggered effects first. Any deaths resulting from the triggers then resolve at once, followed by consequences from those deaths. Nevertheless, there are exceptions to this rule.
  • Triggered effects which trigger from playing cards or casting spells may have place before or afterwards the card takes effect, depending on the trigger. For example, activating Leader of the Pack with a Violet Teacher active volition cause her to summon a fresh Violet Apprentice , who will so do good from the Leader of the Pack buff,[i] while playing Inner Rage on a 3/ane Wild Pyromancer will destroy the minion earlier it tin can actuate its effect.
  • For notes on individual types of triggered effects, see the appropriate sections.

Advanced [ ]

  • Triggered effects require the menu not to have been destroyed. However, the game but checks to destroy minions with 0 or negative Health when an event phase ends. This means that a minion tin be triggered during the same phase in which it is destroyed, regardless of the order in which the events take place. For instance, if 3 enemy Explosive Sheep are killed by your Flamestrike while you have an Acolyte of Pain on the board, the Acolyte will trigger three times (despite his Wellness reaching 0 after the get-go Exploding Sheep'south Deathrattle) since he cannot completely die while the Sheep Deathrattles are nevertheless beingness handled. One time all simultaneous effects take resolved, the game will and then check for any minions at 0 or lower Health, notice the Acolyte and destroy it. Conversely, Cult Main cannot trigger from the decease of a friendly minion killed at the same time as the Cult Principal itself, since by the time the game checks for triggers from the deaths, the Cult Master has also been destroyed.

Cards [ ]

For Wild format listings, see Triggered effect/Wild format

Below are listed all cards which possess or grant triggered furnishings, divided past the type of trigger.

Using Hero Powers [ ]

Well-nigh effects which are triggered past using Hero Powers are denoted by the Inspire keyword. For more details on that effect, see Inspire. Sure other triggered furnishings are not marked as Inspire effects, just are activated by the use of Hero Powers.

Card-playing [ ]

Carte-playing triggered effects only actuate when a card of the right type is played directly from the hand. Cards brought into play through summon or put into battlefield effects will not actuate these effects.

Bill of fare-playing triggered effects activate immediately after the bill of fare is played, earlier it takes effect.

Any card type [ ]

Spell-casting [ ]

Whenever [ ]

'When' and 'Whenever' furnishings trigger from the endeavour to cast the spell, before whatever of the spell'southward effects utilise, and even triggers if Counterspell prevents it:

After [ ]

'Subsequently' effects trigger from the spell fully resolving:

Playing a minion from the paw [ ]

These furnishings trigger only when the minion is played direct from the hand. For effects which trigger from any class of minion summoning, see Minion summoning, below.

That minion [ ]

Furnishings which activate when the minion itself is played from the manus are denoted by specific keywords. By far the near common is Battlecry, followed by the druid keyword Choose One and the rogue keyword Combo. All iii abilities crusade a special result to activate when the minion is played from the manus, although some require certain weather condition to be met.

The list of such minions is also extensive to list hither - see individual pages for complete lists:

  • Battlecry
  • Choose One
  • Combo

Secret-playing [ ]

Minion summoning [ ]

Minion summoning triggered effects may activate at various points during the summoning sequence of events. They may occur earlier auras are applied to the minion; after auras are practical to the minion, only earlier whatsoever Battlecries are activated; afterward Battlecries accept taken identify, but before the minion summoning has resolved; or once the minion summoning has resolved. In some cases they may sometimes activate later in the summoning process, if they did not actuate at the proper point.

Note that these effects are triggered past any eligible minion existence summoned, even if they are non played from the paw, such as through Summon or put into battlefield effects. Hero powers, Deathrattles, Battlecries and Secrets tin can all trigger these effects. If the summoned minion has a Battlecry, this volition have place prior to the activation of any triggered effects or Secrets.[ii]

Whenever you summon [ ]

Afterwards you summon [ ]

Attacking [ ]

Attacking triggered effects actuate before the intended gainsay actually takes place, although those based on surviving an assault do non trigger until afterwards. For triggers which activate when attacking and killing a minion, see Attacking and killing.

Hero attacks [ ]

Minion attacks [ ]

Any assault [ ]

Grapheme damage [ ]

Damage-triggered effects activate immediately after harm is received, only earlier any deaths are resolved. On-damage triggers that cause healing can preclude a fatally damaged character from dying, as the game will not check for deaths until the end of the current phase is reached, and all simultaneous effects have been resolved.

Taking minion damage [ ]

This minion [ ]
Friendly minions [ ]
Some other minion [ ]
Any minion [ ]

Taking hero damage [ ]

Dealing impairment [ ]

Various furnishings actuate in response to dealing harm, either by the minion or past the thespian. Poison effects are a type of triggered destroy effect which display a vial of bubbling poisonous substance in identify of the usual lightning bolt icon, and use atypical phrasing in their card text.

Healing [ ]

Healing-triggered effects activate immediately afterwards healing is granted.

Minion death [ ]

Death-triggered effects actuate only after the death has fully resolved, and the minion or weapon removed from play. All types of expiry-triggered effects, including Deathrattles, triggered effects and Secrets are queued together from oldest to newest played, with no special priority.

That minion [ ]

Effects which trigger from the death of the minion itself are Deathrattles - see that folio for details.

Another minion [ ]

Finish of turn [ ]

Most end of turn effects activate at the end of the decision-making player's turn, merely some actuate at the finish of the current turn, or at the terminate of each turn.

The game just queues end of turn triggers once, at the beginning of the end of plow phase. For example, if during the end of plow phase Kel'Thuzad resurrects a minion which has an end of turn triggered result, that effect will not be activated that turn, since the minion was non in play when the end of plough stage started.

End of your plow [ ]

These effects actuate at the end of the turns belonging to the controlling player.

Cease of each plough [ ]

These effects actuate at the terminate of each turn, whether belonging to the decision-making player or their opponent.

End of the turn [ ]

These effects actuate at the end of the turn after they are put into play. This is largely the same as furnishings that activate at the finish of each turn, but only happens once.

[ ]

These effects are related to stop of turn effects.

Showtime of turn [ ]

Showtime of turn effects have outcome at the very start of the turn, earlier whatever cards have been drawn. Almost all take place only on the controlling actor's turn, simply some happen at the start of each turn, or the starting time of the opponent's turn.

Start of your turn [ ]

These effects activate at the start of the turns belonging to the controlling player.

Drawing a menu [ ]

Furnishings that activate when the carte du jour itself is drawn are known as on-depict effects.

Drawing some other carte du jour

Discarding a card [ ]

Effects that activate when the card itself is discarded are known equally on-discard effects.

Awakening [ ]

These effects activate when the minion is no longer Fallow.

Revealing a Secret [ ]

Equipping a weapon [ ]

Gaining Armor [ ]

Overloading Mana Crystals [ ]

Shuffling into deck [ ]

Miscellaneous [ ]

Patch changes [ ]

  • Patch i.0.0.4944 (2014-03-11): Minions that have been blessed by Approval of Wisdom now show the trigger "lightning bolt". Talk nigh a bright thought!

References [ ]

  1. Funny and Lucky Moments - Hearthstone - Ep. 50. (2014-06-21).
  2. Ben Brode on Twitter. (2014-08-22).


Source: https://hearthstone.fandom.com/wiki/Triggered_effect

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